Wednesday, July 17, 2013


As much as I enjoyed really jumping back into reading this summer, I've slipped out of my groove just a bit, but I have full intention of jumping back in! After reading two excellent books (Still Alice and Gone Girl) I moved on to another great read: Room.

Room, book, book review I'm not gonna lie, this book is difficult subject matter and might not be for everyone. I only say that because I've told a few people what it's about and they shake their head and cringe a bit. I personally think that sometimes it's unique or difficult stories that can really make us grow, learn, and think. The entire book is told from the perspective of a 5 year old boy. He takes you through his daily life with him mom as they live in Room - Room being the place where he was born and is being held with his mother after she was abducted many years previously (although he is not privy to that information as his mother has tried to shelter him from their circumstances). Room is the only place he knows. I don't want to be vague with the description but that's kind of all you need to know about the book before reading it - I'm glad that's all I knew. From that you can decide if it's for you or not! Although difficult subject matter it's very well balanced by being told from this innocent 5-year-old angle. It gives the story a softer spin. This book is so incredibly well written I just couldn't believe it. And the story itself is so intriguing all the way through. Again, maybe not for everyone (but that's a very general disclaimer because I think most would enjoy it), it is an excellent and interesting read and I highly recommend. 

Up next on my list I've a much more fluffy chick-lit book "Revenge Wears Prada" the sequel to The Devil Wears Prada. I also want to check out the Steven King book "Under the Dome" which I've heard nothing but good things about and has recently been turned into a mini-series! Have you discovered any perfect summer reads?


  1. SOOOO glad that you read this book. Like you, I don't know many people that have read this because of the subject matter. I totally agree with you that sometimes it's the hard stories that we learn from the most. Hope you had fun at H.O.P.E!

    1. I'm glad I read it too! When I heard about it I was intrigued and it didn't disappoint. I had a BLAST at HOPE thank you! :)
