I think it is safe to assume that there is someone in each of
our lives who complains a lot, or never stops complaining, and they probably annoy
you from time to time. What I bet you didn’t know, is that they are turning
your brain to mush… actually!
A recent tweet I came across sent me to an article that
discusses how listening to complainers is bad for your brain; that this
exposure to negativity actually affects your brain function. Weird right? But
also kind of makes sense. Whenever I’m
around a negative person, or see a negative comment on social media, I definitely
have an adverse reaction. I am not a fan of negativity. Isn’t it a waste of
energy? That being said, we all have the odd bad day or bad luck, but those are
exceptions, whereas some people appear to CREATE a bad day out of a seemingly
common situation.
So back to the article, in studies done on brain activity using different stimuli, the brain was found to act like a muscle and “if you’re
pinned in a corner for too long listening to someone being negative, you’re
more likely to behave that way as well.” Yes, this makes sense. It’s hard to be
happy when someone else just keeps raining on the parade of life. Another
interesting finding was that complaining, whether in person or on TV, can even
make you dumb. It apparently peels away neurons in the brain’s hippocampus (yup,
hippocampus!) which is “the part of your brain you need for problem solving…
basically, it turns your brain to mush.”
Another thing worth noting is that there is a difference
between a complaining and something constructive, like feedback that may be
negative. People who complain aren’t necessarily looking for a solution. You
can go ahead and ask them “so what are you going to do about it” and they might
answer with a blank stare (or more complaining).
I am a lucky girl in that I don’t really have many “complainers”
in my life. I know this is a conscious decision on my part. I definitely
distance myself from them. As I said before
we ALL have our bad days but we do something about it, or at least change our
mindset. What’s not normal is the resistance to do so.
If you’re stuck with someone who is just
complaining for the sake of complaining, and isn’t looking to fix it, the
article suggests that you distance yourself. Or drink some wine to protect your
brain from what they’re saying… oh wait, that’s my suggestion. Let’s all
remember whatever challenges come our way, LIFE IS GOOD.