This past weekend the much anticipated movie The Great Gatsby opened. I had been looking forward to it for a long, long time. And when I say long time, I mean back in the day when it was originally supposed to open this past Christmas! For what ever reason it was delayed, but this weekend the time came. Due to this extreme anticipation I felt like I absolutely must see it opening weekend, so I did just that with a friend of mine who felt the very same way. Prior to going in I didn't read any reviews for it, but I did know that the reviews out there were not good. It was an ok movie. Not awful but not fantastic. Certainly not all I had hoped it would be. It was visually beautiful and although I found some parts were great and exciting, other parts just dragged a bit. But I will say I do not regret seeing it in the theater at all - when I'm that excited for a movie I like to see it regardless and make my own conclusions! Plus 3D movies are fun! And 3D Leo, well... that was worth it too. :)
BUT, on the (very) bright side, last Wednesday The Great Gatsby soundtrack came out. I had pre-ordered it so it automatically downloaded on my phone and the second I took a listen I was in love. THIS IS THE BEST SOUNDTRACK HANDS DOWN THAT I HAVE HEARD IN A VERY LONG TIME! I'm not even a big soundtrack kinda girl. Back in the day I kind of was with movies like Cruel Intentions and Romeo + Juliet (another Baz Luhrmann movie funnily enough). When I saw the previews for the movie I was quite enchanted by the music. Later when they announced who would be on it, I knew it was a must buy. Bang Bang by, Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey, and Over the Love by Florence + The Machine are my favourites IF if MUST choose... because it's not easy. Five stars and a recommended buy from me!
Did you get swept up in the Gatsby excitement?
I was dying to see this film too. It was visually amazing (I saw it in 2D since I don't personally like 3D films). The costumes were beautiful and I felt the actors all did the story justice. Personally, I liked it because I felt it stayed true to the book with its themes/symbolism. I think the book itself had moments where it felt a bit dragged out but I felt like you needed to know everything about these characters to understand the complexities. So, I guess the short of what I'm trying to say is...I didn't mind it! haha
You're right - it was VERY true to the book and I totally respect that! I definitely didn't mind it either, I would just be cautious in recommending it or raving over it. Looking back on it there were some absolutely fantastic parts in it.